Working Remotely

Technology Resources for Working Remotely

List of the most commonly used resources for working or studying when you are not on campus.

Campus phones

MetroNet’s CommPortal is an online portal for managing your phone settings and voicemail.

International students

International students who are having issues working remotely should review connect to your DePauw Google, e-Services, Moodle, etc. because this will explain how to make Google and other programs look like you are accessing them from the United States.

Internet performance

Learn more about improving Internet performance when working remotely.


Learn more at Virtual Desktops and Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Online conferencing

Learn about the differences between Google Meet, Zoom Basic, and DePauw’s Zoom Host License at Videoconferencing Tool Comparison where you will also find links to training tutorials.

Learn about recommended guidelines for video and audio conferencing.

Organize and Collaborate

Trello is an easy, free, flexible, and visual way to organize your work, manage projects, and collaborate with others. Watch the Trello 101 video tutorial to learn more.

Creating a PDF to send through email

Learn how to create a PDF that you can send as an attachment through email.


Using your phone as a scanner.


Factors affecting the upload of a video file include limited Internet, ISPs that have reduced upload speeds even though download speeds are fast, and large file sizes. Options to consider include:

Also, there are many tools (e.g., Google Meet, Zoom, Screencast-O-Matic, etc.) that offer direct-to-cloud video creation that enables you to sidestep uploads altogether.


For those not wanting to use your personal cell phone for University business, learn how to Set up Voice to get a phone number for calls, text messages, and voicemail.

Click to connect to your DePauw Voice account.

Working remotely tips

Learn tips on how to work or study from off campus.

Updated: 7/7/2021