How do I install DyKnow?
- For students with a Windows machine, browse to DyKnow Vision 5.8: Installing on Windows Computers – Upgrading from Earlier Versions or First Time Install for instructions on how to install the DyKnow client program onto your computer.
- Mac users who require Virtual Desktop for a course should browse to Virtual Desktop for Macs Running Windows Applications, which includes the installation of DyKnow.
Where can I get help?
- For help with installing DyKnow, as well as Virtual Desktop for Mac users, beyond the instructions linked above, contact Student Technology Support at or call x1093. Student Technology Support is located within the Faculty Instructional Technology Center on the lower level of the Roy O. West Library.
- Use DyKnow’s built-in help function found at the end of the ribbon bar by clicking Help → Contents.
- For additional support, email This is an email account that is monitored by multiple DePauw support staff. Please use your DePauw Google Mail account when emailing.
- What if I need additional support?
- To troubleshoot an issue, browse to the DyKnow Knowledge Base.
- Contact DyKnow directly at 1-888-8-DyKnow (1-888-839-5669), Option 1.
- Email DyKnow directly at
Where is DyKnow available on campus?
DyKnow is installed in all public computer labs and technology classrooms, including
- Julian 108*
- Julian 109*
- Julian 278*
- Olin Computer lab (2nd floor)
- Roy O. West Library computer lab (lower level)
*pen-based computers available
Updated: 3/5/2021