Best Practices for Information Security: Faculty and Staff

Best Practices to keep sensitive information secure – both professional and personal.

  1. Be alert for email or SMS phishing and do not click on an email attachment or link in a text message when it looks suspicious even if it says it is from someone you know or claims to be from your bank, your employer, or another trusted organization.
  2. Do not save private or restricted information, including student data, on an unencrypted hard drive or USB memory stick. Avoid sending private or restricted information through email.
  3. Use reliable DePauw-provided online storage such as Google Drive or Box to store institutional records and other work data.
  4. Use EDUROAM Secure Wireless on campus to protect your network traffic against unauthorized access.
  5. Use strong passwords and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Avoid writing passwords down or saving them in your browser and do not share passwords with others. Consider using a password manager such as 1Password or BitWarden.
  6. Password protect access all your devices.
  7. Turn on Find My iPhone, Android Device Manager, or your smartphone’s equivalent so you can erase data on your phone if it becomes lost or stolen.
  8. Log off or shut down your computer when leaving the office to avoid someone gaining access to accounts and information when you are away.
  9. Keep your computer’s virus, malware, and spyware protection current and scan your computer regularly to keep it safe from viruses.
  10. Keep your computer’s operating systems (Windows and MacOS)  and other software up-to-date to make it more difficult for your computer to be compromised.
