Network: Instructional Drive (I:)

The I: or Instructional Drive provides storage space on the network for instructors to use in teaching courses or conducting research. Both the instructor and students will have access to a course I: drive. Instructors interested in using an I: drive for teaching or research purposes should contact the HelpDesk at (765) 658-4294 or

Common uses for course I: drives

  • Providing students additional network storage space for large or collaborative course projects
  • Submitting and returning student assignments
  • Posting course materials or restricted websites
  • Research projects

Standard configuration of I: drive folders

Sub-folders of I:\UNIV101 example

Folder Examples Purpose
\student \univ10101, \univ10102, \univ10103 Individual student folders. The designated student and the instructor have read/write access.
\private \private Only the instructor has read/write access. Students cannot access.
\public \public Instructors have read/write access. Students have read-only access. Restricted course websites can be published here.
\workshop \workshop Everyone in the class has read/write access. Useful for students working on collaborative projects.

Need help?

Contact or any FITS staff member.
Updated: 3/5/2021