An assignment is an activity the professor creates and his/her students completes and uploads file(s) into their Moodle course (e.g., submit a paper).
To successfully submit files, you need to know
Submission Time
To check the time for submitting an assignment
- Click on the assignment on the course page.
- Check information in the Due date and Time remaining sections.
Uploading Files
To upload a file(s)
- Click on the assignment on the course page.
- Click Add submission.
- Drag and drop a file(s) for submission into the File submission area.
- The maximum file size and number of files to upload appears in the top right corner in the File submission area.
- Click Save changes to save the last uploaded file(s) before submitting it/them.
- Click Cancel to not save the last uploaded file(s).
- The latest version of the file uploaded onto Moodle will be submitted for grading at the deadline. (Note: If the professor added Submit Assignment, you must select it to submit the final version of the file.)
- Click Continue to finish submitting. Once the assignment is sent for marking, you will not be able to delete this file and upload a new one. It is a final submission.
- After submission is complete, the Submission status will change accordingly.
Editing your submission before submitting
You can change your submission any time before the deadline.
To edit your submission
- Click on the assignment’s name on the course page.
- Click on a file you want to remove.
- Click Delete in the popup window.
- Click OK in the window that asks you Are you sure you want to delete this file?
- Drag and drop new files into the File submission area.
- Click Save changes.
Late Assignments
An assignment is considered to be late one second past the due date and time. If the assignment is late, text will appear in red in the Time remaining section of the Submission status window stating how long the assignment is overdue by.
When you are late with your assignment, two scenarios can happen
- Uploading is closed completely. If this is the case, contact your professor to find out another way of turning in the assignment.
- Uploading is still there. You can upload a file/files in a regular way, but the professor can see that the assignment is late; therefore, she/he may choose not to grade it. Once you upload a late assignment the box in the Time remaining section of the Submission status window, it will turn red stating how long the assignment is overdue by.
Updated: 3/5/2021