
Moodle is DePauw’s learning management system. It enables faculty members to enhance their face-to-face teaching and their students’ learning by providing an online environment to distribute materials and encourage interaction both inside and outside the classroom. A Moodle course is automatically created for every class offered through the Registrar’s Office. Every faculty member, staff member, and student is automatically setup with a Moodle user account, and they should use their DePauw Account username and password to log in to Moodle.

DePauw policies for using Moodle

DePauw University codes of conduct that guide student, faculty, and staff behavior apply to all Moodle courses/sites. The DePauw University Academic Handbook outlines these codes of conduct and is available at

Getting started with Moodle

Moodle works best with the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for both Macintosh and Windows environments.

Need help?

Contact, or call 765-658-1093.

Updated: 6/20/2022