Moodle: Adding YouTube video clips

YouTube video clips may be added to a Moodle course as an embedded resource, linked resource or HTML block.

To embed a YouTube video clip as a resource

  1. Browse to
  2. For the desired video clip
    1. Click Share, located under the video.
    2. Click Embed.
      Image of YouTube Embed
    3. Copy the embed code.
  3. Browse to the Moodle course, click Turn editing on…
  4. In the desired topic/week, click the Add a resource… drop-down menu, select Insert a label.
  5. At the Adding a new Label... screen
    1. In the text editing toolbar, click HTML.
      Image of Moodle HTML Tab
    2. Paste the embed code, copied from the YouTube video, into the HTML Source Editor box, and then click Update.
      Image of Moodle HTML Update
    3. Click Save and return to course.

To insert a link to the YouTube video clip

  1. Browse to
  2. For the desired video clip, click Share, and then copy the URL
    Image of YouTube Video Share URL
  3. Browse to the Moodle course, click Turn editing on…
  4. In the desired topic/week, click the Add a resource… drop-down menu, select Link to a file or web site.
  5. Complete the Name field.
  6. Paste the YouTube URL into the Location field, located under the Link to a file or Web site section.
    Image of Moodle Link to a Web Site
  7. Click Save and return to course.

To add a YouTube video clip as an HTML block

  1. Browse to
  2. For the desired video clip
    1. Click Share, which is located under the video.
    2. Click Embed.
      Image of YouTube Embed
    3. Copy the embed code.
  3. Browse to the Moodle course, click Turn editing on…
  4. Locate Blocks, typically located in the bottom right section of the screen, click the Add… drop-down menu, and then select HTML.
  5. Locate the new HTML block, click Configuration.
    Image of Moodle HTML Block
  6. At the Configuring a HTML block screen
    1. Complete the Block Title field.
    2. In the editing toolbar (i.e., click HTML).
      Image of Moodle HTML Tab
    3. Paste the embed code you just copied from the YouTube video into the HTML Source Editor box.
    4. Resize the clip to an appropriate size by changing the width and height values in the code.
      <iframe width=”560” height=”315” src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
    5. Click Update → Save changes.
      Image of Moodle HTML Update

Updated: 3/5/2021