DePauw Account: Change password

The DePauw Account provides access to e-Services, network drives, Box, Moodle, Canon MFDs, network printers, and more. When you change your password at, your password will be changed for all the systems previously mentioned.

  1. Browse to
  2. Enter your login credentials
    1. For Username, enter your DePauw email address
    2. For Password, enter your DePauw Account (e.g., e-Services, network) password                                               
    3. If this is your computer, you can check the box to “Don’t show again” and click Yes to stay signed into your account. 
  3. Click Password on the left.                                                                               
  4. In the New Password window:
    1. Complete the information for New Password and Confirm New Password                               
    2. Click Submit

Updated: 12/3/2024