Campus Labs: Adding users

In Campus Labs, you may need to invite users to join your group or add users to a Path.

Inviting users to join your group

  1. Sign in to Campus Labs Engage at
  2. In the My Memberships section of your home page, click on the group you want to invite users to
  3. Click Manage found in the upper right of the screen
  4. Open the Organization Tools menu found in the upper left of the screen, and then click Roster
  5. Click Invite People
  6. In the E-mail addresses text box, enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite to join the group, and then click Add e-mail addresses. When doing this, you want to keep in mind the following criteria:
    1. Enter the email addresses by position (role) so the position is assigned to them when they accept the invitation
    2. Use DePauw Google Account email address (i.e., account)
    3. Limit of up to 500 email addresses at a time
    4. Separate email addresses with a comma or enter one email address per line
    5. In the Invite as dropdown box, select the position you want them to hold, and then click Send invitations
    6. An email containing a link to accept the invitation will be sent to all invitees. After clicking Manage Invitations, the invitee will be asked to sign in to Gold Connect.

      1. After signing in to Gold Connect, the invitee should to go to the Invitations section of their home page
        1. Click Accept
        2. Determine if they want their membership shown on the pubic roster
        3. Click Confirm

Reminding members to join a group

Pending members are those who have been invited to join the group but have not yet accepted that invitation

  1. Go to Manage Roster, and select the Pending tab
  2. Check the box to the left of each individual and click Resend Invitation

Adding users to Paths

A Path allows a specific population of designated users to complete items and view progress toward achieving Path requirements. Learn how to add users to Paths by going to Campus Labs Engage – Adding Participants to a Path.

Updated: 8/2/2021