Finding your DNS settings

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a naming system used with networks and the Internet that translates computer host names into IP addresses. It is useful to know your DNS setting when reporting network or Internet issues to the HelpDesk.

Mac: Finding your DNS setting(s)

  1. Go in to System Preferences
  2. In the Internet & Wireless section, click Network
    Image of network icon in System Preferences
  3. Select Wi-Fi Connected → Advanced
    Image of Wireless, Advanced
  4. Click the DNS tab to find the DNS Servers
    Image of Mac DNS Server Settings

Windows: Finding your DNS setting(s)

  1. Click Start → Run
    Image of Start, Run
  2. For Open, type “cmd” (without the quotes), and then click OK
    Image of command, ok
  3. Type “ipconfig /all” (without the quotes), press Enter, and then scroll down to DNS Servers
    Image of Windows DNS Server Settings

Updated: 3/4/2021